Our Partners
At Kiran Foundation we work with the government, private companies, non-profits and individuals to address complex challenges faced by the people of Lyari.
Our journey would’ve been short and unsustainable without the support of our partners and collaborators. They have contributed so much more than money: their wisdom, their experience, their expertise and more in helping us build a stronger and progressive Lyari.
In the spirit of entrepreneurship, mothers are encouraged to set up home-made food stalls to initiate financial independence.
Donors and Collaborators

Partner Schools & Colleges

Thank you for giving goread.pk the opportunity of reading stories to Primary School students at Kiran Foundation.
It was a privilege indeed.
goread.pk is a non profit organisation with a vision to eradicate illiteracy from society by providing joyful story read-aloud sessions to children in underprivileged communities across Pakistan, Stories will be read aloud in the children’s mother tongue as well as in English. Research tells us grit, self-control, zest, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism, curiosity & empathy are the character qualities that help children succeed. Through stories, goread.pk will contribute towards developing these qualities in children.
At Kiran Foundation, a group of goread.pk volunteers visited twice to read stories to children. Huda Ahmed was our point of contact and efficiently coordinated our visits. The story ‘Olive and the Dreadful Plogre’ is a story of an endearing turtle named Olive who gets caught in a plastic sack in the Indian Ocean. The character of Plogre has been created by the two words, Plastic and Ogre and is the first in a series of Plogre stories. Inspired by a true incident this story develops social intelligence in children by raising awareness about the hazards of plastic pollution. The story, ‘Haathi Learns a Lesson’ is about an elephant and the cat. This story prompted children to reflect on the power of someone who may appear weak. Both stories resulted in powerful discussions with the students about compassion, self-control and responsibility.
Each one of us thoroughly enjoyed the experience of engaging with the children through stories and walked away optimistic and delighted with the positive and empowering environment at Kiran Foundation. Looking forward to more collaboration in the future. I will also be reaching out to Rahila, the Art teacher with regards to developing a set illustrations that the students made for one of our stories.
Unfortunately, I have been involved with administrative and official matters and this has been delayed. But will be connecting again soon.