- Teaching kindness and empathy
- Social-emotional learning
- Teaching self-regulation & coping
- On-campus wellness activities: yoga, mindfulness, Qi-gong etc.
- Teaching emotional intelligence

Mental Health & Wellbeing (MHW) Program
When adverse childhood experiences and trauma occur, a child’s brain can become wired with negative, limiting, and fear-driven beliefs, inhibiting the child to live to his or her full potential. These beliefs can damage a child’s self-worth, self-confidence, relationships, and negatively impact the decisions he or she makes.
As human beings, we have an amazing ability to heal and restore. We are adaptable and resilient, and our brains have the power to rewire. This becomes possible when we are provided a stable, nurturing, and safe environment at an early age.
Schools can become a vehicle for that change, hope, and empowerment.
The understanding of Mental Health is an integral part of the Kiran
We promote mental health at the school level by fostering positive relationships; helping children and adults be emotionally and mentally healthy.
We raise awareness on mental health through Nafeesa forum, positive parenting, impact of trauma and abuse; reducing risks, learning self-regulation skills to cope with day to day stress.
We partner with different organizations and individuals to provide emotional and mental health supports, counselling and therapy, and targeted interventions to individuals struggling with various issues.
We also arrange for training for our staff on self-care and mental health.

At Kiran Foundation, we believe that education is incomplete if it is not viewed through the lens of mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
Learning cannot occur if children don’t feel safe and supported.
We are beings that need to be seen and understood holistically. And doing so will unlock the magical potential within each of us.
The Mental Health & Wellbeing Program implements the Kiran Philosophy through a multi-tier framework, which emphasizes the promotion of mental health as well as the prevention of and intervention for mental health problems.
Promotion of Mental Health
Enhancing wellbeing; fostering positive relationships; helping children and adults be emotionally and mentally healthy
Prevention of Mental Health Problems
Raising awareness on mental health, impact of trauma and abuse; reducing risks; minimising mental health problems
Individualized Intervention
Providing emotional and mental health supports, counselling and therapy, and targeted interventions to individuals struggling with various issues
The Mental Health & Wellbeing team works closely with teachers and parents to ensure student wellbeing and safety, through a collaborative, multi-tier approach.

At Kiran Foundation, we believe that education is incomplete if it is not viewed through the lens of mental health and wellbeing.
Learning cannot occur if safe and happy spaces are not built for children and their families. Learning can not occur if children don’t feel safe and supported while in their classrooms. Learning can not occur if the heart matters are excluded from academia.
We are beings that need to be seen and understood holistically. And doing so will unlock the magical potential within each of us.
Features of the Mental Health & Wellbeing Program

Psycho-Education & Mental Health Awareness
With teachers, parents, and students
- Impact of childhood abuse and neglect
- Awareness and prevention of mental illness
- Self-care
- Positive parenting
- Violence prevention
Traumma-Sensitive Policies
At the whole-school level
- Creating a safe and supportive environment
- Building nurturing relationships with students
- Fostering connection and healing
- Warmth and unconditional positive regard
- Shared understanding of trauma in staff

Mental Health & Wellness in the Curriculum
Emotional Support: Therapy & Counseling
- School counseling & conflict resolution
- Group therapy & support groups
- Therapy for students, parents, and staff
- Alternative therapies (play, art, dance, music..)
- Peer support

Behaviour Management System
A compassionate approach to discipline
- Non-punitive & anti-shaming
- Positive reinforcement
- Inculcating self-discipline & accountability
- Celebrating positive, healthy behaviours
- Restorative disciplining practices
Community Mental Health
Enhancing wellbeing for the larger community
- Mental health awareness
- Communal activities for emotional abuse
- Community wellbeing
- Connecting the community to mental health professionals
- Creating safe and happy spaces

Working with Kiran Foundation has been transformational and such a blessing. Experiencing the energy and drive of every single employee and my clients had always inspired me. The working environment in which people can develop and make a difference! It offers many growth and many developmental opportunities and a chance to learn how to think outside the box and always find new ways to achieve the best results. This has given me a lot of satisfaction and determination to help grow Kiran Foundation to where it is now.
We come together, despite all the hate, spreading live and saving so many lives. It’s sometimes just as simple as a smile — nothing is too small.