Every child is special; a cove of potential just waiting to be tapped
When adverse childhood experiences and trauma occur, a child’s brain can become wired with negative, limiting, and fear-driven beliefs, inhibiting the child to live to his or her full potential. These beliefs can damage a child’s self-worth, self-confidence, relationships, and negatively impact the decisions he or she makes.
As human beings, we have an amazing ability to heal and restore. We are adaptable and resilient, and our brains have the power to rewire. This becomes possible when we are provided a stable, nurturing, and safe environment at an early age. Schools can become a vehicle for that change, hope, and empowerment.
Aspiring Clubs
We believe in giving children the skill set and direction required to make them happy and successful even after they graduate. Our Aspiring Clubs especially cater to our senior students. Leaders from different fields come into mentor our students in small groups for a series of career counseling workshops and classes.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Children learn better when they are happy and well-regulated. BTS provides them with different forms of release, and enables them to explore interests and hobbies. This helps build meaningful relationships and improve wellbeing.
Kiran’s approach to education is holistic, which makes it just as important for children to acquire positive social skills as it is for them to improve academically. BTS widens the horizons and the range of possibilities available for children in their future, increasing their ability to thrive.
These are some of the BTS clubs we have
but the possibilities are endless.